Tariffs & Charges

Unbooked Rates:

Tariff 1 SedanDay$4.400$2.245 p/km
$0.785 p/min
Tariff 2 SedanNight$8.550$2.245 p/km
$0.785 p/min
Tariff 3 MaxiDay$4.400
$3.421 p/km$1.198 p/min
Tariff 4 MaxiNight$8.550$3.421 p/km$1.198 p/min

Holiday Rates:

Tariff 5 SedanDay$9.50
$2.245 p/km$0.785 p/min
Tariff 6 MaxiNight$9.50$2.245 p/km$0.785 p/min
Tariff 11 SedanDay$15.22$2.800 p/km$1.000 p/min
Tariff 12 MaxiNight$15.22$4.400 p/km$1.500 p/min

Booked Rates:

Tariff 7 SedanDay$10.12
$2.600 p/km$0.900 p/min
Tariff 8 SedanNight$14.72$3.000 p/km$1.000 p/min
Tariff 9 MaxiDay$10.12$4.000 p/km$1.400 p/min
Tariff 10 MaxiNight$14.72$4.400 p/km$1.500 p/min

Booking Fee$4.20
Late night Fee:$4.60
Holiday Fee:$5.10
CPV Levy Recovery Fee:$1.32 (including GST)
Premium Services Booking Fee:$15.00
Wheelchair / Scooter Lifting Fee:$40.00 per load/unload
Call Out Fee (COF):$10 ++
Cancellation Fee$10
Fuel Levy:50% of the COF
Cleaning Fee:Up to $160
Administration Costs:$132.50 p/h
Debt Recovery Costs:See Debt Recovery


  1. Premium Services Fee applies when the vehicle requested by the driver is not restored on, or the job is outside our normal hours of operation.
  2. Subject to section 11 of T&Cs call our fees apply when traveling to a job outside the Ballarat locality. This cost covers the fuel and ware and tare on the vehicle
  3. Fuel Levey applies on the return leg of any long distance job to cover the fuel and ware and tare on the vehicle.

Fare Evasion

Fare evasion is obtaining a service by deception and is classified as theft. Fare evasion is a criminal matter and will be reported to both Safe Transport Victoria as well as Victoria Police.

In the event of a passenger not being able to or not willing to pay for a fare your personal detail, such as your name, address, phone number and personal description will be entered into a national fare evasion database and Victoria Police will be notified.

Victoria Police will then obtain the internal in-car CCTV footage and will proceed with prosecution.

You will be barred from utilizing our services or may (depending on the circumstances) may have special conditions imposed such as being prepaid only. A driver can ask for prepayment for a fare at any time of day, any day of the week.

Seizure of Goods

In the event that a taxi fare has not been paid in full, the driver may request the forfeiture of personal goods. These goods will be held for a period of 7 days and will impose a holding fee of $66.00. After 7 days, and if the taxi fare has not been paid in full, the items may be resold. scrapped at the discretion of Eureka Taxis. You forfeit any rights to the items after a period of 7 days.

Debt Recovery

In the event that an account or fare is not paid within the prescribed time then the matter may (at the complete discretion of Eureka Taxis) be passed onto a debt collection agency.
There fees, charges and commissions are payable by the customer in the event that a debt is passed to collections.

General T&C's

Effective: 1st January 2025

Carriage of service is only provided on the condition that the passenger accepts, understands and abides by the following terms and conditions and enters a legally binding contract for the purposes of the delivery of transportation services:

Eureka Taxis / Eureka Maxis is not obliged to nor responsible to ensure that you the passenger has read, understood and agreed to these conditions.

By booking a taxi under our brand, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Eureka Taxis may at its own discretion, block, restrict or ban any customer, address or phone number from utilizing our services for any reason at any time for breaches of these terms and conditions.

2. Drivers are not permitted, nor allowed to pause or stop the meter at any point during a job such as whilst in fast food drive-through or in heavy traffic / roadworks under the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Act 2017

3. Sedan tariffs will apply when the passenger count is between 1-4 passengers, including infants or babies. Maxi tariff will apply where the passenger has requested a maxi vehicle, passenger is in a wheechair / scooter, passenger has a foldable wheelchair of any kind of over 5KG OR where the passenger has a bike or parcel that would not fit in a sedan.

4. A Cancellation fee of $10 per occurrence will be applied to a trip if the driver has commenced your job and is on their way to your pickup location

5. For any pre-booked jobs, the driver is entitled to start the meter at any point once making contact with the passenger. This could be via the automated text message, advising that the driver has arrived, or via telephone.

6. For school pickups, the meter will commence, from the time the driver arrives at the pickup point, and has to (if required) leave the vehicle to collect the student.

7. For the delivery of any parcel, click and collect or the pickup of any prearranged item(s), regardless of size weight or dimensions, Tariff 9 is used in conjunction with any and all other fees and charges such as applicable fuel levy, call out fee or premium booking fee (if applicable). Please ask your dispatcher for further information apon booking.

8. Time applies on each Tariff if the vehicle is traveling below 25km/h, is stationary waiting for customer in between stops or is loading / unloading passenger belongings between stops.

9. For 5-11 passengers (including a person(s) who uses a wheelchair or of other mobility aid) or where the hirer, specifically requests a larger then standard vehicle regardless of the number of passengers (except where the booking is for a person(s) who uses a wheelchair or other mobility aid)

10. Holiday rate applies all day Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day; and from 6PM on New Year’s Eve. It also applies from 7PM on the evenings prior to other Victorian public holidays until the morning of the public holiday for all unbooked fares and are from midnight to midnight for booked fares.

12. When the hirer specifically asks requests the hire of as premium service vehicle and agreed to the charge of up to $11 per trip.

13. A cleaning fee of up to $160.00 applies if the passenger soils the vehicle with food, drink and other bodily fluids. Whether this fee is charged is left up to the discretion of management using photos.

14. Call out fees are charges in increments of $10. 0-10Kms = FREE 10-20Kms = $10, 20-30Kms = $20, 30-40Kms = $30, 40-50Kms =$40, 50-60Kms = $50, 60-70Kms = $60 70-80Kms = $80, 80+ / Melbourne Airport = $80 and $120  Melbourne city and beyond.

15. Fuel levy applies when returning from a long distant job to cover the ware and tare on the vehicle and the drivers time. Rates are as follows in increments 0-10Kms = FREE 10-20Kms = $10, 20-30Kms = $20, 30-40Kms = $30, 40-50Kms =$40, 50-60Kms = $50, 60-70Kms = $60 70-80Kms = $80, 80+ / Melbourne Airport = $80 and $120  Melbourne city and beyond.

16. Tolls (Both Eastlink & Citylink) are extra as per the signposted rates sticker in the vehicle and are added on top of the metered fare.


All card payments are subject to surcharges which are passed through from our merchant(s). For all in-car payments a processing / service fee of 5% is added on top of any fare and for any non in car payments a processing / service fee of up to 10% is added.
For all in app payments, we use a third-party payment processor (the “Payment Processor“) to link your credit card account to the Service, this paragraph will apply. The processing of payments or credits, as applicable, in connection with your use of the Service will be subject to the terms, conditions and privacy policies of the Payment Processor and your credit card issuer in addition to these Terms and Conditions. We are not responsible for any errors by the Payment Processor. In connection with your use of the Services, we will obtain certain transaction details, which we will use solely in accordance with its Privacy and Cookie Notice.